Ultimate Sports Mashup
We pluck teams from across the sports history continuum and pit them against one another. Each episode your hosts will break down what there is to love about two of the greatest teams in history and then match them up against one another. From the all-time greats, to the pros, and to the underclassmen, Ultimate Sports Mashup will bring you it all. Who do you think will be the Ultimate Champion?
Ultimate Sports Mashup
1972 Miami Dolphins v 2007 New England Patriots
Jay Davis & Cam Slate
Episode 25
The big one! Ultimate Sports Mashup is going on hiatus so we wanted to send you all off with our biggest, most ultimate match yet. We are squaring off two of the greatest teams ever in the perfect 1972 Miami Dolphins and the nearly perfect 2007 New England Patriots.
Ultimate Sports Mashup will be back in early 2022 with full episode but we have a few bonus episodes planned from now until then to keep you entertained! Thanks for listening!